#Trans-Plastics (2019- 2021)                                                    Ruth Morrow, Chantelle Niblock

This research, #Trans-plastics is part of the EPSRC-Funded ‘Advancing Creative Circular Economies for Plastics Via Technological-Social Transitions’ (ACCEPT Transitions), involving a cross disciplinary project team at QUB.


The overall project aims to integrate innovation and creative thinking across technological, policy, consumer behaviour and supply chain management domains on a focused region of the UK ie Northern Ireland. It aims to develop ‘socio- technological transitions’ that facilitate a just transition to a circular economy for existing and future plastics, by conserving and creating sustainable energy and materials, developing new products and green jobs, and supporting economic growth in NI and the wider UK.
#Trans-plastics , as one element of this larger project,  works in collaboration with the Polymer Processing Research Centre, to develop and prototype 3-D interlocking blocks, using plastic waste, to suit the principles of circular design. We will also collaborate with QUB psychologists to test, collate and respond to manufacturer and consumer/user responses to the resultant prototypes. The project begins in April 2019.
Project website: