︎ Jennifer Whittaker, MArch 1 Student
archimedes principle · observatory · fiberglass composite · balsa core · hexagon structure · underwater pod · floating
The purpose of the building and brief is to provide a facility which grows and builds on the already existing research and tourism industry into the marine ecosystems in the area. The building is an on-site floating marine observatory and research centre which can be used by the researchers in Portaferry to observe the marine life just below the surface for extended periods of time. It allows access to an environment at all times of the day, night and tidal flow which cant be achieved currently. Normally observation is carried out through diving but this is restrictive due to weather conditions and water conditions.
Fibreglass has been used throughout the building as the structural material due to its formability, strength and durability. It has been combined with a balsa core to form a composite sandwich which is lightweight and stiff. The fibreglass elements are bonded together with additional pieces of fibreglass. This material is waterproof and therefore no damp-proof membrane is required as with tradition construction methods.